Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Jenkins setup for the Astrocompute project

MonetDB is an open-source relational database management system, developed by the database architectures group of CWI, the dutch national research center for mathematics and computer science. It is used for doing database research, but also widely used in production for a large set of different applications. On of them is astronomy. The fact that MonetDB is a column store makes it very well suited for the large analytical workloads of modern astronomy. So it is not surprising that MonetDB was chosen to be part of the software pipeline of the LOFAR radio telescope.

But the work on the successor of LOFAR is already started. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope is going to be build in South-Africa and Australia, and when it becomes operational it is expected to create more data than the current internet creates in one year. In order make this possible, a lot of new software is needed. The SKA organization is working on this, in cooperation with AWS. Last year, a grants program was announced. Since we were already working on similar problems, we thought that we could make a contribution. Fortunately our proposal was accepted.

Our idea was to work on the IT infrastructure around the astronomical software. The software that will be used to process the data generated by the telescope is not one single program, but a large collection of programs that all depend on different software components, provided by a lot of different developers and organizations. And on all of the programs and components there will be constant development. So there is a real need to test every component, not only in isolation, but also as part of the total software infrastructure. The amount of data that has to be processed is so large that you cannot afford to halt the data processing because one component failed, for example because it was never tested with the version of a dependency that is used in the production environment.

A little bit of information about our project can be found at our website. Integration testing is not a new concept in IT. There are a number of products available to setup a continuous integration infrastructure. We choose to work wit Jenkins, one of the most widely used tools available. We have been running a continuous integration setup on AWS for several months now, testing hundreds of commits to several source code repositories. But for testing the software of a project at the scale of SKA, a much more complicated infrastructure is needed.

In most cases, the CI infrastructure is reasonably static. For example, MonetDB is tested evey night, testing all relevant branches on several different operating systems and a selection of hardware. An infrastructure for a project like SKA is expected to be much more dynamic. It is likely that the amount of testing would change frequently, simply because it would include software from a lot of different sources. So ideally you would automatically add or remove testing machines, based on the amount of changes that have to be tested. Running this in a cloud environment, such as Amazon Web Services, makes a lot of sense.

Typically you would have one Jenkins master machine and a number of Jenkins slave machines. The master monitors the source code repositories for changes and then schedules the actual tests to run on one of the available slave machines. But before a machine can be used as a slave to run jenkins jobs, it has to be registered on the jenkins master and it needs to be configured. For example, to test compilation of MonetDB, you need a number of packages to be installed. You need a C compiler and relevant development libraries. And because MonetDB support several client libraries, you would need Python, Ruby and some other languages. So in order to support automatic scaling of the jenkins slaves, you need to automate this process, otherwise every change in the number of slaves would require human invervention.

For automatically configurating machine, you could write you custom shell scripts. But nowadays there are several solutions available for this problem, most notably Puppet and Chef. These languages provide all the tools you need to do the complex configuration needed for the jenkins infrastructure. In order to setup a complete jenkins environment on AWS, you would like to use standard services that can easily integrate with one of these configuration languages. Luckily such service exists, Opsworks.

Although AWS opsworks was designed for hosting a website, it can also be used for other purposes. It has the option of grouping similar instances together and applying different settings for each of these groups, called layers. And it supports running configuration scripts, using Chef, at several steps during the lifetime of an instance. Properties of each instance are exposed in a Chef object, called a databags. The configuration files, called a Chef cookbook, are downloaded to each instance from a S3 bucket. And for each lifecycle event, such as starting and destroying an instance, you can select the configuration file to run, in Chef terminoligy this is called a recipe.

By running the correct recipe on both the jenkins master and the available jenkins slaves, we can setup the system in such a way that the jenkins master is allowed to login on all jenkins slave machines, by using ssh. Below is a snippet from the chef recipe that configures ssh settings on the jenkins slave:

  instance = search("aws_opsworks_instance", "self:true").first

  ssh_public_key_file = File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], 
  ssh_public_key = File.read(ssh_public_key_file)

  if (instance['os'] == 'Amazon Linux 2015.09')
    append_if_no_line "ec2-user_key" do
      path "/home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys"
      line "#{ssh_public_key}"

In the first line, we get an object with the setting of the current machine from the available databags. Then a ssh public key is loaded into a variable from a file. This public key is then used to create a ssh authorized_keys file.

On the jenkins master, we need to add credentials to the jenkins configuration. For this we use the Jenkins community cookbook, available at https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/jenkins This allows us to automatically add private keys from our custom cookbook. The secretsobject is loaded from a file that contains private information, such as passwords. This file is not checked in to the source code repository, but added to the cookbook prior to uploading it to S3.

  secretsobject['jenkins_users']['ssh_keys'].each do |sshkey|
    ssh_private_key_file = File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path],
      'cookbooks/aws_chef_jenkins/files/default', sshkey['keyname'])
    ssh_private_key = File.read(ssh_private_key_file)

    jenkins_private_key_credentials "#{sshkey['name']}" do
      id "#{sshkey['id']}"
      username "#{sshkey['username']}"
      description "account #{sshkey['username']} on slave"
      private_key "#{ssh_private_key}"

When the configuration is finished, we can view the list of available credentials in the Jenkins UI.

The next step is to setup the jenkins slaves on the master machine. For this, the jenkins cookbook contains the relevant resource definition:

  jenkins_ssh_slave 'amzn-slave' do
    description 'Run test suites on amazon linux'
    remote_fs   '/home/ec2-user'
    labels      ['amazon-linux-2015.09']
    host        "#{instance['private_ip']}"
    user        'ec2-user'
    credentials '5cf1b49d-e886-421e-910d-01a97eba4ce1'

After the entire chef recipe is finished, we have a fully functional jenkins setup:

A more complete example of a cookbook to setup jenkins is available at GitHub. Of course we do not want to setup the opsworks stack manually. For doing this automatically we use the AWS cloudformation service. Here we define all parts of the opsworks stack and how they relate. The cloudformation service will then make sure that everything is created in the right order.

AWS Cloudformation really promotes the idea of infrastructure-as-code. By provisioning our infrastructure from source files, we get several advantages. One of them is versioning. By checking our files into a source code repository, we can see how our infrastructure has changed over time. This is very usefull when solving problems in a complex setup with lots of components. And this makes it possible to setup several identical stacks, where you would use one for production and another for testing. You can then develop your infrastructure the same way as you develop your code.

An example of such a cloudformation template is available at GitHub. This is not a fully functional continuous integration pipeline for something as complex as the SKA software infrastructure. But is aims to illustratie the sort of problems such a system would encounter and an idea on how to solve these challenges. The SKA project is an extraordinary scientific endeavour that requires the best software engineering to produce exa-scale astronomical data. With this work we hope to contribute to reaching that goal.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Timemachine backups to a linux server

If your organization uses Apple laptops, you want to support a way to provide backups. Timemachine is the obvious choice. But what if you do not want to run Mac OS X, but only Linux. Then you need to have an AFP service. This is provided by the "netatalk" package. This is similar to "samba". Online you can find enough tutorials on how to set it up. And since a few years it supports timemachine out of the box.

But is has a few thing you need fix, before it can be used to backup a larger number of clients. They are caused by the fact that everything related to the timemachine backup is setup automatically and for this case the defaults are wrong. Timemachine uses "sparse bundles", a sort of file container, resembling something like zip files. The first problem is that the sparse bundle that is create by is setup to fill the entire partition. This means that you can only have one backup per partition. This is not what you want if you have a 4TB disc in your server, you want to give a few 100 GB to each backup. This can be solved by using LVM. Each backup gets its own volume and by configuring netatalk you can give a different share to each individual user.

The second problem is caused by having the Apple sparse bundle on a linux filesystem. By default, the sparse bundle saves the data in files of 8MB. If you are using the default settings of ext4, you over 40,000 files in one directory and that generates strange error messages. There is a command to change settings of the sparse bundle, but unfortunately that is only available on the mac. So you have to change the "band size" of the sparse bundle. These are the commands to use:

cd /Volumes/TimeCapsule
hdiutil convert hostname.sparsebundle -format UDSB -tgtimagekey sparse-band-size=2097152 -o new_hostname.sparsbundle
mv hostname.sparsebundle hostname.sparsebundle.old
mv new_hostname.sparsebundle hostname.sparsebundle
cp hostname.sparsebundle.old/com.apple.TimeMachine.MachineID* hostname.sparsebundle/

To be precise, before you can change the settings, you need a finished backup. You can do this by excluding almost all directories from the backup. This saves time when you convert the sparsebundle. If the first backup is finished, you mount the AFS share on the mac. Then you open a terminal window and go to the location where the share is mounted, in the "/Volumes" directory. With the "hdiutil" command you change the sparse bundle. For some reason, the size must be set in 512K blocks. If this is finished, you rename the old one in a temporary name. Later you can just delete it. But make sure it does not have the ".sparsebundle" extension. Then you rename the newly created bundle in the original filename. The last step is to copy some configuration files, relating to the timemachine backup, from the old bundle to the new one.

Also make sure you disable the timemachine service when you convert the sparse bundle. When the conversion is finished, you can enable timemachine again and run another backup. You can check the timestamps to see if it is now using the new sparse bundle. If this has succeeded, you can remove the excludes and run a full backup.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

MySQL authentification using PAM

In certain cases you want to use the accounts that already exist on a system to login to a mysql or mariadb database. You can do this by enabling pam in the mysql server configuration. First you need to create a pam configuration file that looks like this:

cat /etc/pam.d/mariadb
# Use password-auth common PAM configuration for the daemon
auth        include     password-auth
account     include     password-auth

Depending on the distribution you use, the file might be a little different, but basically you just add the default settings. Then you change the mysql configuration file using your favorite editor: emacs /etc/my.cnf


You should check that this plugin is installed on your system. Then you (re)start the mysql servide:
systemctl start mysqld.service

Next you login to the database as the root user
mysqladmin -u root password

Then you can grant permissions on users that are available through pam:

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO username@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA pam USING 'mariadb';
flush privileges;

After that, the user can now login to mysql with:
mysql -u username -p

Note that the string "mariadb" after USING in the grant query refers to the pam configuration filename that you used.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

MonetDB docker image on Google Cloud Platform

We want to run the monetdb-r-docker image in the google cloud. There is lots of documentation on the google website on how to set up your environment, so i will not cover that here in detail.
$ gcloud preview container clusters create monetdb-r-docker
  --num-nodes 1 
  --machine-type g1-small

Waiting for cluster creation...done.
Create cluster succeeded!
Using gcloud compute copy-files to fetch ssl certs from cluster master...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
kubecfg.key                                   100% 1704     1.7KB/s   00:00    
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
kubecfg.crt                                   100% 4423     4.3KB/s   00:00    
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
ca.crt                                        100% 1224     1.2KB/s   00:00    
clusterApiVersion: 0.13.2
creationTimestamp: '2015-03-29T09:27:12+00:00'
enableCloudLogging: false
  password: ***********
  user: admin
name: monetdb-r-docker
network: default
  machineType: g1-small
  - email: default
    - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute
    - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only
  sourceImage: https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/google-containers/global/images/container-vm-v20150317
nodeRoutingPrefixSize: 24
numNodes: 1
selfLink: https://www.googleapis.com/container/v1beta1/projects/123456789/zones/europe-west1-b/clusters/monetdb-r-docker
status: running
zone: europe-west1-b

Next we will create the container configuration file monetdb.json:
  "id": "monetdb-r-docker",
  "kind": "Pod",
  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
  "desiredState": {
    "manifest": {
      "version": "v1beta1",
      "containers": [{
        "name": "monetdb",
        "image": "monetdb/monetdb-r-docker",
        "ports": [{
          "containerPort": 50000,
          "hostPort": 50000

With this file, we create the container:
gcloud preview container kubectl create -f monetdb.json
Then we can see that the container is being created:
$ gcloud preview container kubectl get pod monetdb-r-docker
POD                 IP                  CONTAINER(S)        IMAGE(S)                   HOST                                                                  LABELS              STATUS              CREATED
monetdb-r-docker           monetdb             monetdb/monetdb-r-docker   k8s-monetdb-r-docker-node-1.c.my-project-id.internal/   <none>              Pending             Less than a second
It will take a few minutes before the container is created.
$ gcloud preview container kubectl get pod monetdb-r-docker
POD                 IP                  CONTAINER(S)        IMAGE(S)                   HOST                                                                  LABELS              STATUS              CREATED
monetdb-r-docker           monetdb             monetdb/monetdb-r-docker   k8s-monetdb-r-docker-node-1.c.my-project-id.internal/   <none>              Running             3 minutes

Then you could login to the node and use the docker commandline tool to check the running container:
$ gcloud compute ssh k8s-monetdb-r-docker-node-1
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Linux k8s-monetdb-r-docker-node-1 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt4-3~bpo70+1 (2015-02-12) x86_64

=== GCE Kubernetes node setup complete ===

Before we can connect to the database, we need to add a firewall rule:
$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create monetdb-r-node-50000 --allow tcp:50000 --target-tags k8s-monetdb-r-docker-node
Created [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project-id/global/firewalls/monetdb-r-node-50000].
monetdb-r-node-50000 default  tcp:50000          k8s-monetdb-r-docker-node
And then we can connect to the database using the mclient tool:
$ mclient -h -u monetdb -ddb
Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (unreleased)
Database: MonetDB v11.19.9 (Oct2014-SP2), 'mapi:monetdb://monetdb-r-docker:50000/db'
Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands
auto commit mode: on

And once we are done using the database, we cleanup the container to prevent additional costs:
gcloud preview container clusters delete monetdb-r-docker
Waiting for cluster deletion...done.
name: operation-1427629115685-c7f2c2d7
operationType: deleteCluster
selfLink: https://www.googleapis.com/container/v1beta1/projects/123456789/zones/europe-west1-b/operations/operation-1427629115685-c7f2c2d7
status: done
target: /projects/123456789/zones/europe-west1-b/clusters/monetdb-r-docker
targetLink: https://www.googleapis.com/container/v1beta1/projects/123456789/zones/europe-west1-b/clusters/monetdb-r-docker
zone: europe-west1-b
And the last step is to remove the firewall rule as well:
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete monetdb-r-node-50000
The following firewalls will be deleted:
 - [monetdb-r-node-50000]

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y

Deleted [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project-id/global/firewalls/monetdb-r-node-50000].

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Porting a Preseed file to Debian 7

I script the installation of Linux of my personal computers and today it was time to start upgrading one of them from Debian 6 (Codename "squeeze") to Debian 7 (Codename "wheezy"). For this Debian has "preseed" available. So the first task was to change the preseed file i used for debian 6 to work with debian 7. When you change to a new version of a distribution it is not unreasonable to change some settings in such a configuration system. But as always, in practice it was more work than expected and also more than needed. And one reason is the lack of documentation.

 The preseed file contains  settings that are needed for the debconf system of the installer. In order to get an up-to-date version of the available settings, i did a manual installation. After the installation is finished, you can install the debconf-utils package. This contains some script to work with the debconf system.
If you run the command: debconf-get-selections --installer , you get a list of all available settings and their values. Unfortunately, the list is more than 600 lines, including comments. And it contains all setting, also the default ones and the ones you will never use. So selecting the ones you actually want to include in your preseed file is tricky.

The simple change was replacing:

d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select us


d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us 

But since i did not find a complete list of available settings and their meanings, it is an educated guess. But then the real problems begin.

During the manual install i encountered one problem, missing firmware for the network card. The debian repositories do not contain firmware that is "non-free", according to the very strict definition of the debian organisation. You get the option of loading this from some media, but if you ignore it and just continue, the networkcard works just fine. But doing this automatically in an unattended installation turned out to be a bit of a problem.  

To solve these kinds of problems, you could really benefit from proper documentation. And although i really like opensource software, that is lacking in a lot of situations. In the end you end up (almost) reverse engineering the system in order to determine what happens in what order. The advantage of opensource software is that you actually have the sourcecode, so you can see what is going on. But this takes a lot of time specially if you want to do something non-trivial. And looking for answers online does not help much either. If something is not documented online, it is not indexed by search-engines, so it will never end up in the search results. The only thing you can hope for is a hint in the right direction.

And i had one of these hints in this case.  Someone mentioned that you could add debconf parameters to the kernel that is loaded during the automatic install. The way the unattended install works is that you use pxeboot to download the installation kernel from a server. You need to setup a tftp server and based on the mac address of the machine you want to install and the tftp configuration, the machine gets a kernel and some parameters to start it with. One of them is the location of the preseed file that has to be used.

This was the line in the file i used for the squeeze installation:

     append vga=788 initrd=debian-installer/amd64/initrd.gz 
     priority=critical -- quiet   

I added the following setting (in bold):

     append vga=788 initrd=debian-installer/amd64/initrd.gz 
     priority=critical -- quiet   

(In the pxeboot config file it should be on one line, here i added newlines for readability)

Adding this line prevents an error that causes the installer to prompt for manual intervention. Since i could not find some document that contains a detailed description of the debian installer, i have to deduce it from the logging that is generated during the installation. All the output goes to the file: /var/log/installer/syslog If you read this file you still see that it detects the fact that it is  missing the fireware, but it will continue anyway. I tried adding the setting in the preseed file, but that did not work. Which can be explained off-course by the fact that you have to setup a network connection before you can download the preseed file. But this is speculation on my part, since i could not find exactly which programs runs during the installation in which order and what they exactly do and how you can configure that using preseed.  

The syslog file also gave the information i needed to solve the other problem with the preseed file, Language and Country selection. This also changed in the new version and i kept getting the selection dialogs, despite having settings in my preseed file. It turns out that there are a lot of "localechooser" settings available, but they are probably only used inside the dialogs. But it you look into the syslog file, you see that certain other values are set. And if you add these to the preseed file, everything works as expected.

When i was finished i closed most of the tabs in my browser. When searching for the solution for these type of problems you end up with dozens of sites that are related, but in the end not relevant to the problem. But one of them was http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/example-preseed.txt This is an example of a preseed file for the old version, one i used to create my version with. Feeling lucky, i decided to see the new version http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/example-preseed.txt And indeed, this had some of the changed setting and even some comments. Somehow this version had never come up in any of the search results.

Then i looked further and saw that another interesting document http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/index.html.en which is the installation manual. This one also did not end up on the top of the search results. But it contains an appendix about preseed, with some valuable information on how preseed is supposed to work. I should have read them first, specifically now that i know what the problem was, but it interesting to notice that these documents did not end up in the top of the search results. But still it would not have been enough to make porting the preseed file a simple task.