Saturday, April 4, 2015

MySQL authentification using PAM

In certain cases you want to use the accounts that already exist on a system to login to a mysql or mariadb database. You can do this by enabling pam in the mysql server configuration. First you need to create a pam configuration file that looks like this:

cat /etc/pam.d/mariadb
# Use password-auth common PAM configuration for the daemon
auth        include     password-auth
account     include     password-auth

Depending on the distribution you use, the file might be a little different, but basically you just add the default settings. Then you change the mysql configuration file using your favorite editor: emacs /etc/my.cnf


You should check that this plugin is installed on your system. Then you (re)start the mysql servide:
systemctl start mysqld.service

Next you login to the database as the root user
mysqladmin -u root password

Then you can grant permissions on users that are available through pam:

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO username@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA pam USING 'mariadb';
flush privileges;

After that, the user can now login to mysql with:
mysql -u username -p

Note that the string "mariadb" after USING in the grant query refers to the pam configuration filename that you used.